In China gibt es mehr als 90.000 Campingunternehmen


Camping ist zu einem Trend in den Maifeiertagen geworden: In China gibt es mehr als 90.000 Campingunternehmen

Unter dem Einfluss der Epidemie sind Fernreisen zum Luxus geworden. Nach Angaben des Ministeriums für Kultur und Tourismus, nach Angaben des Rechenzentrums des Ministeriums für Kultur und Tourismus, im Jahr 2022 während der 5-Tage"Maifeiertag"Urlaub, 160 Millionen inländische Touristen werden durch das Land reisen, ein Rückgang von 30,2 % gegenüber dem Vorjahr, und"Mikrotourismus"und"Mikrourlaub"wird zum Mainstream."Cloud-darstellende Künste"ist beeindruckend und Camping ist zum Trend geworden.

Nowadays, outdoor travel methods represented by camping are highly sought after, and exquisite camping with folding tables, small strings of lights, and a retro sky curtain has become a favorite vacation method for young people. According to the company's data, there are 93,000 camping/camping-related enterprises in my country. From the perspective of geographical distribution, Zhejiang Province came out on top with 39,000 related enterprises, while Shandong and Guangdong provinces ranked second and third with 5,500 and 4,800 households. Judging from the number of registrations of related companies, the overall trend has been on the rise in recent years. In 2019, the growth of related enterprises reached the highest, at 28,000. It was down in 2020, with 14,000 registrations. In 2021, the number of registrations will increase again to 22,000, a year-on-year increase of 55.2%. From the perspective of the distribution of registered capital of enterprises, 70% of camping/camping-related enterprises in my country have a registered capital of less than 5 million, of which, companies with a registered capital of less than 1 million and 1 million to 5 million each account for 35%. Related companies with a registered capital of more than 5 million accounted for 30%.

There are more than 90

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